Hamilton Christmas Market

A call for Vendors….

Following the success of our markets on Quarry Street in August we are now planning to launch Christmas Markets each Saturday during the festive season starting on 20th November subject to licence approvals in progress with South Lanarkshire Council.

Due to it’s central location, Quarry Street has once again been identified as the area that will provide the most benefit for businesses across the Business Improvement District area.

We are also hoping to bring to you a street full of Christmas entertainment and vibrancy on market days alongside a light switch on by the local community for the local community on the street and more! (Entertainment licence relating to Quarry Street in progress).

Market Stalls:

We can now offer early access to stalls at the Hamilton Market. Preference will be given to Our Town Business Improvement District (BID) businesses. We will not accept vendors selling product in direct competition with BID businesses. For that reason no coffee or tea will be permitted for sale.

Applicants must have the following to be considered – You will be asked to forward copies / evidence.

Public Liability insurance

Be registered as a food business with a local authority – Food vendors only

Have documented food safety training certificates – Food vendors only

Have portable handwashing facilities – Food vendors only

More information around requirements is available via the booking form link below:


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