Saturday 28th is the last date for Hamilton Markets brought to you by Hamilton Our Town (BID). We’ve been delighted by the public response to these markets that have been set up to provide a much- needed footfall and economic boost into the heart of the town centre.
By the end of day Saturday 28th we hope to have gained well over 4,500 additional strategically positioned visits into the BID area. We also aim to have provided a memorable and positive town centre experience showcasing the town and its businesses encouraging new customers and repeat visits.
None of this would have been possible without the huge efforts of the town centre businesses that have taken stalls or been involved through leafleting, tables outside their premises and more. This for many has been a significant operational challenge but also demonstrates the tenacious, dynamic and forward-thinking mindset of the town centre business community.
Please support your town centre businesses and community and visit Hamilton Market this Saturday 28th August. We’re back with 30+ stalls and the wonderful Samba Ya Bamba performing for the last time! Face painters, circus performers and lots of music and fun for all!
See you on Quarry Street!