B2B Newsletter: September 21st 2023 – Hamilton BID

Police engagement date Friday 29th September:

We’re providing the opportunity to engage directly with our local police officers at a casual drop-in session at the Beefeater, 10am – 2pm. Gain top tips regarding crime prevention and chat to your local officers regarding any challenges you are facing. If you plan drop in please email us at malcolm.thomasharley@hamiltonbid.org

TikTok & Photography service:

If you’ve not already signed up to our free professional photography service, there’s still plenty of opportunity to get involved. Simply email cheryl@madeinscot.co.uk to arrange an appointment. Photography is used to create your businesses page on our website and to promote your goods / services on our growing social media channels. You can access this photography free of charge too! 

If you would like a visit to film a short TikTok video to promote your business, please get in touch at malcolm.thomasharley@hamiltonbid.org


Hamilton Market returns Saturday 30th September in the Regent Centre for our 9th market of the year as we continue to trial the market project monthly. So far in 2023 we have attracted an estimated 20,700+ additional visitors into the town centre area. The initiative has also supported a positive image of the area via successful monthly promotional activity online and regular press. The vendor positions are now full for the majority of dates, and we’re delighted have 40 stalls booked by organisations operating in the town across these dates. In addition, we welcome any organisation in the area wishing to use these events to leaflet or engage with the public. We’re looking for your feedback re this monthly trial – https://forms.gle/sjSd1uReKHRNfWwD8

Here are the remaining dates for 2023. 

  • 30th September – Regent Centre 
  • 28th October – Regent Centre – Halloween theme
  • 18th November – Regent Centre Light Switch on event
  • 25th November – Quarry Street Hamilton Town Centre light switch on event
  • 2nd December – Quarry Street Christmas Parade and free Panto event
  • 16th December – Regent Centre Christmas Market
Get involved in Hamilton Christmas Festival:

This year we will be packaging the festive events across the town centre as Hamilton Christmas Festival. We will produce a festival guide that will be promoted on our social media channels from the start of November and featuring our activity, the Town House and any other organisation putting on Christmas events / activities. If you want to be promoted in this guide, please send details outlining what you are doing including dates and any marketing material you may have to malcolm.thomasharley@hamiltonbid.org

Town Centre Survey:

Angela Crawley MP is carrying out a survey regarding the future of Hamilton Town Centre. This survey and details regarding it can be accessed via this link https://forms.gle/Q8kp2EikzoFVSXAY7

Hamilton Town News

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