Christmas events:

We are looking forward to hosting 3 fantastic festive events on Quarry Street this Christmas including the Light Switch On, Reindeer Parade and a Christmas Gala. The purpose of these events are to provide additional footfall, marketing and commercial opportunities alongside the provision of a great town centre experience for visitors. We are encouraging participation from businesses and are open to new any proposed initiatives during the events. We are also seeking volunteers to support with the Reindeer parade. For more info please get in touch with me at
Market vendors – Deadline for application: 28.10.22
Vendor assessment and process relating to licensing requires us to have confirmed vendors in advance of market dates. If you are interested in trading at these events you must complete the form below by Friday 28.10.22. After this date we cannot guarantee a stall.
Energy prices:
We spoke to Michael Dogan at eyebright this week to discuss the differences for businesses on a fixed vs variable rate energy contract, following the introduction of the government’s price cap.
Michael said “Businesses on a fixed contract are charged the price cap cost plus a non-commodity cost. If you’re on a variable rate and out of contract, you’ll receive the maximum discount deducted from your unit rate, which is around 30 pence on electricity and 9 pence for gas. The variable rate for some electricity suppliers is as high as £1.50 per unit, so even with the maximum discount you can be overpaying for your utilities. Out of contract/ variable rate agreements leave exposure to higher units and further increases over the winter, at the supplier’s discretion.”
If you have questions about your business energy or water contract, speak to Michael at eyebright for a free consultation. Call 0141 530 4152 or click this link to book an appointment.”