Christmas Light Switch on – Urgent:
We have been tracking wind gust levels, (currently between 32mph & 38 mph) and as a result are unable to host the light switch on event tomorrow due to safety concerns. We are likely to see all markets and events of this type cancelled tomorrow across the area as markets and stages cannot normally operate safely past 30mph wind gusts levels.
Not to be beaten we have devised, negotiated, and are implementing a new plan that enables the market and events to proceed tomorrow.

The market, 35+ stalls and majority of entertainment will be moved into the Regent Shopping Centre. We have all of our face painters, choirs, dancers, musicians and our host, fab drag queen Gezzah on hosting duties alongside a substantial market. This will provide the public with an indoor destination filled with a great event and drive the public into the town centre. We design our events to maximise footfall around the BID area and because of this change, I understand that the impact will not be the same as a full light switch on. However, we will still be driving in significant footfall that otherwise would not be coming in.
We have asked the SLC lighting dept if we can move the switch on element to our Reindeer Parade event on the 3rd Dec. This is looking possible, and we await their response.
Clearly this is not the event that we would have wished for however I hope that we have provided solutions and a great alternative for the town rather than cancelling the whole event.