B2B Newsletter: November 21ST 2024 – Hamilton BID

Hamilton Light Switch on – This Saturday: Contingency plans activated:

We are tracking very poor weather conditions for this Saturday which includes a yellow weather warning for rain/snow. In addition, very high wind gusts are forecast beyond safe levels for our market equipment. We have various contingency plans in place for this eventuality and are currently planning to proceed with what will be a superb programme of events for the day. Please note the following potential changes and info:

  • Contingency plan: The light switch on event will be delayed until around 14:30 and proceed on Quarry Street in line with current forecasts. We are also planning for the parade to proceed, albeit with some small changes. Wind and weather will be monitored in the event area during the morning and afternoon using our wind anemometers and the met office to ensure levels are below acceptable tolerance.
  • Market: It is likely that this will be moved into the Regent Shopping centre for the day. We’d like to thank the centre for their support with this. A decision regarding this change will be made later today.
  • Entertainment: This will take place indoors in the Regent Centre up until it safe to proceed outdoors. Indications are that we will be able to proceed from around 14:30.
  • Road closure: A road closure is in place for Quarry Street from 6am this Saturday. If we are required to use our contingency option as outlined, we will enforce the road closure from 11am.

What is the plan if weather deteriorates further?

We have x5 contingency options available which are centred around delaying components dependent on weather on the day. However, worst case we will host a fantastic indoor event on Saturday and then move what’s possible to the 30th November. This option is only possible due to contingency plans made earlier in the year. It is unlikely that this will be required and we look forward to proceeding in some form as planned this Saturday.

Hamilton Christmas festival begins in style!

Last Saturday we hosted our first festive event of the season which commenced with our Christmas Market. We were also delighted to be joined by Comic Con which added brand new content, interest and footfall. We are delighted to report that an additional 4,764 (week on week +65%) visitors came into the town on Saturday making it the 2nd busiest indoor event of the year so far.

Footfall continues to outperform last year:

Our footfall provider, Place informatics have reported on the BID area footfall for October. The BID area has seen a +3.7% increase in footfall for the month of October versus October 2023. This continues the trend of improved footfall versus last year.

Hamilton Town News

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