Quarry Street opening:
As many of you may know we had previously campaigned for the opening of Quarry Street’s pedestrianised section to traffic. There was an official consultation carried out by the council in 2018 and it was decided that the road would open. However, reportedly Covid-19 delayed the work and now around 5 years later we/ all remain keen to get a resolution and way forward.
Given the years that have passed since the formal council led consultation, due to personnel / business changes on the street and potentially new views, we are asking for your thoughts on the road opening. This is not a formal consultation, however your feedback based on the detailed plans will be helpful for us in understanding the general view. Many of you may not be aware of the specific details regarding the plan therefore we have obtained this info and hope that sharing this with you will be of value.
Our understanding is that there will be 22 spaces and free parking for 30 minutes within these spaces. Loading will be permitted from 16:00 to 09:30am and that the road opening would be implemented for a trial period only of which we understand will be 18 months. Clearly any vehicle parking out with the bays would be subject to a parking fine and it may be fair to assume that area will be monitored by traffic wardens.
We ask you to complete the form by 18th March. We will then provide the council with this feedback on the subject and report back any further updates here.
Click here to give us your views: https://forms.gle/hpjs5zWR8mh3vQ616

Saturday will be the 1st of our monthly market initiatives, set up to support footfall within the town. We start this year in the Regent Centre and alternate activity between the centre and Quarry Street through 2023 culminating in the festive events schedule. Our Regent Centre dates will be focused on the market rather than entertainment content. However we will have some local performers at hand on the day. Our next Quarry Street date will be the 8thApril when we return with our Easter Gala day and Hamilton Market format. We also understand that the Fairground on Townhead is planned to return on this date.
As always businesses located in the BID get a stall for free saving £60 per market or if selling hot food you would save £100 per market date. Bookings for stalls are open for the full year and we have ringfenced the free BID stalls for each date. However, to confirm your pitch you must complete the form https://forms.gle/yhMYMHpQGMZAC1vA6

Networking drop-in day:
Huge thanks to everyone that came along to our 1st networking date of the year. Based on the feedback from the day the drop in format works, providing flexibility. One of our aims is to support networking between businesses and therefore we are hosting a further 4 dates in 2023. The format will remain drop in for now but we can review this as the initiative develops.
2023 Networking dates:
- April 25th
- June 29th
- August 24th
- October 26th