B2B Newsletter: March 22nd 2022 – Hamilton BID

Survey update:

Thanks to everyone that has taken the time to complete our survey with over 26% of the area feeding back information and views so far on the town centre via the survey. We have captured a summary of the feedback given on a ‘Next Steps’ pack that can be viewed by clicking here. Yes For Our Town – Hamilton BID (hamiltonourtown.co.uk) We will also send this out in the post this week. We will keep listening to your views and ideas and to that end I am hosting x3 breakfast meetings 9am – 10am on the 29th, 30th, and 31st March at our digital marketing company, Made In Scotland’s office at 60 Castle Street, Hamilton. If anyone is interested in chatting through the survey’s findings and providing ideas and views please get in touch to attend. Alternatively, if you would like a visit, please get in touch at malcolm.thomasharley@hamilton.bid.org.

Market Update:

We are now close to capacity for vendors on the 9th of April, however there’s still plenty of space on the 16th. We will be heavily marketing these new Easter events and we are aiming to drive in good visitor numbers on the days – Fingers crossed the weather is kind! If you would like a FREE stall worth £50 each week, please apply here.

Renewing Your Business Energy:

When your energy deal comes to an end, what should you do? You will have inevitably heard about the cost of energy rising for both residential and commercial customers. We’ve been speaking to our BID partner, eyebright, to get their thoughts on the matter and asked them for advice on achieving the best renewal price. It was good timing as eyebright recently wrote an article on renewing your business energy. You can read more here. With energy prices expected to remain elevated for some considerable time, it’s best to plan for the implications to your business well in advance. If you’re looking to save money then eyebright can assess your water and telecoms costs too. Many businesses are often overpaying for these services, but eyebright can help review your commercial energy, water, telecoms, broadband and chip and pin contracts. For bespoke utility advice tailored to your business, speak to your local BID consultant Michael at m.dogan@eyebrightutilities.co.uk or call 0141 530 4152.

Hamilton Town News

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