B2B Newsletter: March 17th 2022 – Hamilton BID

Brand New Easter events coming to town! 

On the 9th and 16th of April Hamilton Our town supported by Juniors Play, St John’s Church alongside many town centre businesses will bring a brand-new event bursting with content to the town. Fairground rides, operation play outdoors street play, participatory arts and even a silent disco will feature as part of the activities on these Saturdays set up to attract footfall and provide marketing opportunities. Stalls are still available for BID businesses for free however we have limited spaces available on the 9thIf you are interested in taking a stall please fill out the form by Monday 21st at the latest.

We are aiming to use the full length of Quarry Street and through significant levels of positive business feedback know that this location can make the biggest impact across the area. We are also looking at options to include the Regent centre in activity and are finalising plans now. (Sadly, access to the New Cross has not been granted). For these 2 dates the road will be closed with the exception of emergency vehicles, and we are expecting larger numbers of children in town. As a result, the road closure is essential for safety reasons and zero access will be permitted. Many thanks for your understanding.

The operation play outdoors team will also be supporting a Easter Egg trail set up to attract participants into businesses that sign up. There are still some spaces left and if you are interested in taking part please get in touch with me at malcolm.thomasharley@hamiltonbid.org

Make the most out of the days! We have seen that IF the weather is kind these events can attract good to significant additional visitors. If you want to get involved but feel that a stall won’t work for you there may still be ways to use this opportunity. Please get in touch and we can chat through the options. Lastly I’d like to thank all of the businesses and organisations participating in these events and the previous 9 dates.

Breakfast meeting invites:

I have set up x3 informal breakfast meetings on the 29th, 30th and 31st March to be held in Made In Scotland’s office on Castle Street, 9am – 10am. The purpose of the meetings are to provide an alternative format to engage and get feedback on the challenges for businesses which will help shape our future plans. Whilst I have been out visiting significant numbers of businesses and over 25% of you have completed our survey this is another way we can come together. If interested in coming along to please get in touch. Note if you haven’t completed feedback via the survey it closes on Monday 21st March.

Click to complete our survey.

Hamilton Town News

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