B2B Newsletter: January 16TH 2025 – Hamilton BID

Hamilton market pitches & engagement opportunities

Following a successful 2024, Hamilton market returns across 15 dates in 2025, trading at event days and the first Saturday of every month. An estimated average additional footfall of 2,250+ attended each 2024 date with the total indoor average attendance 7k providing a great opportunity for direct in person public engagement and selling opportunities. For businesses located in the BID area there is no cost to be involved at these events saving up to £60 per event in pitch fees.

If you would like to be involved either complete our sign up form via the link https://forms.gle/hGUxSruzNDJHefeB6 Or contact us at info@hamiltonbid.org. The first market is on the 1st February.

Sign up to free photography and to feature on our socials

We’ve been delighted to see an upsurge in sign-ups to our promotional services, enabling access to free photography and posts on our socials. If you are not signed up yet, the service comes at no additional cost and as a reminder you have full access to our pro photographer in 2025 up to once every 6 weeks. We do not promote individual businesses unless they wish to access this free service, therefore please contact us to be included.

For businesses looking for bespoke and additional photography services, we can provide this at a discounted rate via our partners at Made In Scotland.  Contact us at the usual email address for more info.

New Cross centre

We are awaiting information regarding the status of the centre in addition to specific details on the next steps. Currently details are not available, however we are engaging regularly with the local authority and will provide updates as soon as we have information.

Access to meeting facilities

Through our charity, we are developing an opportunity to deliver new community space in the town centre that can be accessed at a low cost by organisations looking for meeting / workshop space during daytime hours. This ties in with our aims of using vacant space for public benefit as recently seen with our community panto and comic con using the former M&S alongside Hamilton Market, taking a minimally occupied zone in the Regent centre for our popular market and free to access children’s activities, all supporting footfall and a positive visitor experience.

Whilst this project is at an early stage, we currently have access to space within the Regent centre therefore if meeting space is of value, please contact us at info@hamiltonbid.org for more information. This will support us in assessing the need for such facilities and our next steps.

Hamilton Town News

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