Open day:
Many thanks again to all of the businesses that came along to our open last week at the Beefeater, it was great to catch up with so many of you and we hope that you found it helpful. Check out our website for more info on the day Ballot now open! – Hamilton BID ( Many congrats to Mark One Finance for winning the tickets for Kevin Bridges!
Made In Scotland’s special offer from the Digital Open Day event will still be available to all Hamilton BID members throughout the month of September. This includes 100 business cards, 50 A5 leaflets, and 1 roller banner display. For more information, please email or call 01698 892545.
Given the success of this first networking/open day, we are planning a second on Thursday 13th October*. At this second open day, we intend to have in attendance the local police giving advice ahead of the peak festive season, ourselves to run though plans for Christmas and more guest attendee’s providing advice for businesses. More to follow. (*We will need to win the current ballot for this event to take place).

Ballot has opened and voting has begun:
All businesses should now have received their ballot paper and business plan. If you have not received it please get in touch today by emailing me at and I will support.
We need as many businesses as possible to vote yes to ensure that we are able to deliver work for the area past October. If you haven’t yet returned your ballot paper, please vote yes and return it as soon as you can. Your vote could make a huge positive difference to the area.