Strategic Framework Business Fund We have updated our Blog with information on the latest news re available grants for businesses impacted by the Tier 4 restrictions. You can access the Blog via this link.
Need plugging now? We want to do all we can to help where the restrictions are impacting on your business’ ability to open and trade. We’re creating and sharing Small Business Showcase videos featuring businesses in the town. This video – created to support Dnisi’s Takeaway offering – has had 500+ views on our Facebook page in less than 24 hours, reaching more than 2,000.

And each video we create is also published on our YouTube channel – as below.

If you’d like us to feature your business, just email via this link. Virtual Winter Market
We have reworked our successful Virtual Christmas Market into an Online Winter Market that is enabling us to promote you and your business to our audience. Hamilton’s Online Winter Market is now live and you can visit it by clicking on the image below …

We will be promoting it through social media channels – as well as to 12,500 subscribers to our email database – right after Christmas and into the New Year. You can contact me at any time to raise any issues affecting your business via this link or feel free to call me on my mobile: 07854533788.
On behalf of Hamilton’s BID, can I take this opportunity to wish you and yours a happy new year and I very much look forward to working together for the benefit of Hamilton in 2021.
Many thanks for reading …
Malcolm Thomas-Harley, your BID manager.
Keep up to date with all we are delivering across multi-channels in support of businesses, our town and the wider community. Each QR code is a link to the relevant channel.