B2B Newsletter: 2nd December 2020

Promote Your Business …

Virtual Christmas Market …
Since we launched our Virtual Christmas Market last week, more than 1,200 people have clicked to connect with businesses. We continue to work under restrictions so will be doing all we can to drive awareness of the town and our businesses – especially those so reliant on the pre-Christmas trading period.

Tier 4: who can open?
As we countdown and get ready to re-open, we’re often asked who is allowed to trade under the current restrictions. To help, we have updated our Business Support information online that you can access by clicking on the block below …

Turn on, tune in …
Radio Lanarkshire have offered a deal – exclusive to levy-payers – that not only gives a discount on their advertising rates (£170 down to £155 for a whole year!) but throws in a free Amazon Echo Dot for those signing-up. Need more? Just click on the image to email them.

This Friday, join me for our breakfast briefing where I will update further on the campaign progress.

You can raise any issues affecting your business and I will update all on our Christmas campaign. Please RSVP via this link. If you need to reach me at any other time, feel free to call me on my mobile: 07854533788.

Until Friday …

Malcolm Thomas-Harley, your BID manager.

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