Final Call For Food Business Stalls
We are now finalising food business stall information for the new market in August. We still have some stalls available for our BID businesses however we now must get our food safety information into SLC by Monday 28th June. Therefore if you haven’t applied now is the time to do so!
If you haven’t applied please click the link.
As a reminder food businesses should provide a copy of public liability insurance and food handling training certificates. If food is being prepared on the stall further information is required but we will be in touch regarding this after you complete the form.
Copies of all relevant certificates should be sent to: Lauren @ : admin@stallhirescotland.co.uk and copy in malcolm.thomasharley@hamiltonbid.org
Lanarkshire Tourism and Hospitality Business Survey
SLC are collating information from the tourism and hospitality sector via a survey to support future strategies and have requested our support in getting this out to businesses. Please see link below:
Keep our town tidy!
Hamilton BID will lead a new monthly litter pick in the town centre starting in July. This forms part of our aims to make the town look the best it can. We are also pleased to report that Quarry Place is now on the cleaning schedule and has recently been pressure washed following reporting from the BID.
Issues with overflowing bins and fly-tipping are regular items reported to SLC by the BID. Can I request your support with this issue by doing all possible to manage business waste and return your bin if possible after collection. If there are any issues that you spot please get in touch via our contact us section of the website or via SLC reporting platform Fly-tipping – South Lanarkshire Council
MArketing Support
A reminder that if you wish photography, original content on our socials and additional support provision as part of our marketing initiative you need to get in touch with us by clicking this link. Feel free to check out our latest business profiles on our new website www.hamiltonourtown.co.uk