McMullen Law

Company Details

About Us

Anji McMullen LLB(HONS) DIP LP NP, qualified as a Solicitor in 2008. Miss McMullen has undertaken work in Civil Law since qualifying and predominantly specialises in Family Law and regularly appears at the Sheriff Court In addition to Family Law matters, Miss McMullen continues to undertake work in all areas of Civil Law including Child Law, Civil Litigation, Power of Attorney, Guardianship and Wills and Estates. Miss McMullen predominately appears in Hamilton, Airdrie and Lanark Sheriff Court but is available and willing to appear in any Court across Scotland. Explore their website to find out more then get in touch to start your enquiry.

Company Details

Our Services

Family Law

Child Law

Civil Litigation

Power of Attorney


Wills & Estates



McMullen Law

Company Details

About Us

Anji McMullen LLB(HONS) DIP LP NP, qualified as a Solicitor in 2008. Miss McMullen has undertaken work in Civil Law since qualifying and predominantly specialises in Family Law and regularly appears at the Sheriff Court In addition to Family Law matters, Miss McMullen continues to undertake work in all areas of Civil Law including Child Law, Civil Litigation, Power of Attorney, Guardianship and Wills and Estates. Miss McMullen predominately appears in Hamilton, Airdrie and Lanark Sheriff Court but is available and willing to appear in any Court across Scotland. Explore their website to find out more then get in touch to start your enquiry.

Company Details

Our Services

Family Law

Child Law

Civil Litigation

Power of Attorney


Wills & Estates



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